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Weekends (sigh)

I saw a graphic " don't let your weekend become your weak-end" and unfortunately, it resonated with me. Earlier in this health journey, I got into the habit of being "good" Monday-Friday: ate healthy meals, limited my sugar and drank water.  And as long as my routine was in place, I often lost 2 pounds over those 5 days.  But the weekend would come, I no longer control all my meals, and my work schedule interferes with both my exercise and my eating routines, and I'd gain those 2 lbs (and sometimes more) right back.  This happened for months.   It gets demoralizing to feel like you are "always" on a diet, and not have any long-term results to show for it. I've wised up (somewhat) and there's no longer quite such an extreme difference between my weekdays and weekends, but I haven't beat them yet. Part of my health journey has meant being patient with myself: not beating myself up over failures but pausing and asking myself questi

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